Freitag, 27. Februar 2009


heeeeeeeeeeeey guys ...o.O. i am sooo tired..

boah.. today was a very hard day and because of this i´ll make it short..
the whole day i was studiing if i should go to austria today or not.
now i decited to go and to help them tomorrow.
but i am afraid that i won´t come back alive because of the war there.. -.-'


Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009

hey diary....

ohhh it was a long long day and I`m soo tired!!
I just can`t hold my pencil..
soo i will make it short!!
I slept very well in the morning when my wife said to me
that I have to stand up because all my generals where waiting
of me!!
And we made a great plan we will go to Austia
and help them and I`m sure that we will win
because I`m the best...hahaha
Good night

yours jan

Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009

hey :-)

hey diary

today is the 28th august, 1683...
Okay, I´ve made a decision...
I´ll go to Vienna with my troops and fight against the turks!
Tomorrow we will discuss how we will act in that case...
I hope that it turns out well...!!


Dienstag, 24. Februar 2009

yooooh friends :D

Today it is tuesday, the 21st august 1683.
Yes... What can I say?
I feel terrible, because the last night was horrible!! I could not sleep and when I fell asleep my dear, my honey made a snorer and I woke up... ^^ And that wasn't a particular case! What is wrong with her?! :(
That's pain in the ass... I hope so much, that it gets better, otherwise it will be not very nice for me ... I need my beauty sleep!!

yours sincerely & with kind regards

JAN (:

Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

hey ho guys :)

Today its the 17th of august 1683.
It was a very long day today.
I really thought it would never end.
It all startet very good in the morning when my wife told me that she really loves me!
I am so happy with her! <3.
But then things changed and i had to think about the turks in austria.
It is very bad for them and i think i should help them.
Maybe i´ll go to austia tomorrow.
But now i´ll go to bed!! Good night!!

Yours sincerely,


Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009

Good day!!!

Today its the 16th August 1683!!
It was an awful day!!
First I had an argument with my wife...
She is beautiful but she has terrible caprices!!
But all in all is she the sun in my life and I love her with
all my heart!
The second horrible thing was a letter from Austria!
The turks are there.
I have to think about that!!

Yours sincerely,


Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009


Good day!!

My name is Jan Sobieski. From now on i want to keep a diary about my life...

Today is the 15th of august 1683. At the moment I´m with my wife Marie Casimira d´Arguin in my royal residence in Wilanów..

Bye for now..

Yours sincerely
